Thursday, March 26, 2009


APPLES - As the saying goes " An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor Away" , apples are simply delicious. One medium apples only contains only 80 calories. China produces the most apples. Washington,Carlifornia,New York, West Virginia,Michigan and Rhode Island are apple producing countries.
Health Benefits of Apples-Apples are proven to help bone protection, asthma, lower cholesterol,prevent lung ,breast, liver and colon cancer. Apples also help in weight and diabetic management.APRICOT - Apricots are yellowish orange colour.Dried apricots are richer in nutrients , fiber and good source of lycpoene than the fresh apricots. Apricots are loaded with beta-carotene, vitamin A and Vitamin C and iron. California cultivates large amount of apricots.
Health benefits of Apricots-Apricots helps to prevent cataracts, breast cancer, prostate cancer. The additional benefit of apricot is it has fiber contents which help to prevent constipation, induce diarrhea, weight loss,control blood sugar and maintains a normal digestion.

BANANA - This delicious fruit easily accessible and has protien, vitamins,minerals vitamin A ,B6 and iron that your body needs. Banana is also proven to help in weight loss. Banana are used to make great deserts, ice cream (banana split), cakes,puddings.muffins, pies and tasty crispy chips. There are types of bananas tht can be cooked as well.
Health Benefits of Banana- Banana is known as an energy booster due to its sugar content and also helps to imrove high blood preesure as it is loaded with potasium. Banana can be eaten to treat morning sickness, ulcers,constipation and prevents strokeby 40%.

BLUEBERRIES- This juicy berries have extraordinary health benefits that prevent serious diseases. Consuming 1 cup of bluberries a day will improve your health tremendously. Blueberries are loaded with highly active antioxidants.
Health Benefits of Blueberries- Blueberries are proven to reduce the risk of heart diseases,cancers. It also helps to improve urinary tract infections, reduce the formation of blood clots, lower cholesterol levels and encourages weight loss.

Visit for free delicious fruit juice recipes

1 comment:

  1. Very informative juice article. I love having a glass of chilled vegetable and fruit juice. My favorite fruit juice is Goji Berry Juice. It is rich in antioxidants which slow down the aging process.
