Thursday, March 26, 2009


DRAGON FRUIT- This unique looking fruit is normally round or oblong shaped. The skin is red in colour and has scales. The flesh of the round fruit is deep red and the oblong ones have white flesh. I understand that there is a yellow variety but have not come across one yet.There are millions of tiny black seeds in the flesh of this fruit. This fruit can be eaten by itself ,made into jam ,salads or juiced.

Health benefits of Dragon Fruit - This fruit is loaded with dietary fiber and vitamin C and helps control sugar levels for diabetes, bowel movements and gout.

GRAPEFRUIT - FRUIT JUICE MAGIC-Grapefruit belongs to the citrus family. It is more like an orange but the flesh is red in colour. The taste is sour but has an underlining sweetness. Grapefruit is normally juiced or eaten by itself. This fruit can be found all year round.
Grapefruit Health Benefits- This fruit is a rich source of vitamin C and help reduce the risk of prostate Cancer,stroke,heart diseases,asthma and mainly weight reduction.

GRAPES are favourite fruit of adult and children. Grape juice makes an excellent drinks for growing children. They come in so many colours and varieties and taste. Grapes are used to make excellent wine. I personally enjoy the seedless green grapes. Raisins are also used widely to make muffins, cakes,desert, ice-cream and to be eaten as a snack.

Health Benefits of Grapes-Grapes are rich sources of vitamins A, C, B6. GRAPES has nutrients that can help prevent kidney disorders,Alzheimer’s disease,Blood Cholesterol,Migraine,Asthma, heart diseases and many more illness.

For hundred over delicious fruit juice recipes visit-

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