Thursday, April 9, 2009


DATES-Date fruit is the product of a date palm . Many people are confused if date falls into the fruit category and it is indeed a fruit.Each date contain a single seed. When you buy dates avoid
buying dry or withered ones, and no crystals should appear on the exterior of the date. Dates can be enjoyed by it self or added into cake recipes,cookies,muffins and even juiced-Fruit Juice Magic

HEALTH BENEFITS OF DATES- Dates are a great source of dietary fiber. Dates also contain a variety of B-complex vitamins – thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B-6 and pentatonic acid. The plus point, dates are fat and cholesterol free. Dates are excellent cure for intestinal disturbances , indigestion, constipation,anemia and allergies. Dates are also consumed before breaking fast.
PLUMS-The Plums are related to peaches and berries family.This juicy fruit comes in so many colours and shapes. Some are round,oval and heart shaped. The colour varies from deep purple, red, blue-black, yellow, green, maroon, and amber. Dried plums are called prunes and is a very healthy snack. Plums can be juice, use in cake ,pudding and jelly recipes
HEALTH BENEFITS OF PLUMS-Nutients in the plum help purify our blood and prevent heart ailments. This fruit is also a great source of fibre wwhich helps in digestion and constipation. If constipated take one glass of prune juice and it helps instantly. Plumps are also proven to help combat cancer, asthma and osteoporosis.
Note: However If you have a history of calcium oxalate kidney stones, it may be best to avoid consuming plums.


GOOSEBERRIES- Gooseberry has a astringent and bittersweet taste. Some are too bitter to be eaten raw.This fruit is a store house for vitamins and other valuable nutrients. You can juice the gooseberries-FRUIT JUICE MAGIC, cook the gooseberries, add them in salads, prepare jam and pies.

HEALTH BENEFITS OF GOOSEBERRIES-Gooseberry is a rich source of vitamin C ,calcium,iron,vitamin B complex,protein,carbohydrates and has been found to have great antioxidant properties. This fruit is loaded with medicinal value. The multipurpose fruit help maintaining blood pressure, heart ,good immune system,prevents bladder infections and acts as a anti- cancer and anti aging agent. Gooseberries are known to be good for the health of hair, skin and even eyes.

SAPODILLA-The Sapodilla looks more like a potato and is very sweet and tasty . Only ripe and soft fruits can be eaten as the young ones are very astringent. The flesh ranges from a pale yellow to an earthy brown color with a grainy texture. There are a few shiny black seed that looks like beans in the centre of the fruit.

HEALTH BENEFITS OF SAPODILLA- This tasty fruit is loaded with Dietary fiber and vitamin C. It is also low in saturated fat and cholesterol.

FIGS-Dried figs are sold widely and they are excellent snacks. Figs come in few colors from yellow, brown, red to purple and black. Figs are used to make muffins,jam,porridge, cakes and muesli bars.

HEALTH BENEFITS OF FIGS- Figs are a very good source of dietary fiber and have all the reasons to help in weight management. It is proven that figs gives excellent result to cancer patients. Figs also helps in other illness like high blood pressure,diabetes, weak bones and heart ailments.


STAR FRUIT- This fruit attained its name from the five pointed star shape when cut across the middle of the fruit. Starfruit is green when unripe and turns to yellow or orange when it ripens.This fruit can be eaten as it is ,juiced, added in salads,curries, tarts and chutneys.
HEALTH BENEFITS OF STARFRUIT- Starfruit is loaded with Vitamin C. It is very important to take note that the starfruit causes several symptoms in patients with renal disease and go as far as seizure. It is also not adviced for patients suffering with kidney diseases to consume starfruits. Please do not ignore this fact.

DURIAN- Durian is known as the King of Fruits. This fruit has spiny skin and soft yellow flesh with a seed in each flesh.It has a distinguish and unique smell which is regarded as fragrant to some and offensive and disgusting to others. I have come across people who say that durian smells like dirty socks. I personally love durians and its beautiful aroma. The flesh of durian is so creamy and sweet. You can juice this fruits-fruit juice magic, make ice-cream, deserts , porridge, jelly,pudings and cakes with durians.

HEALTH BENEFITS OF DURIANS- Durians and rich with Vitamin B,C, E and high iron content. This fruit help in blood cleansing and lowering cholesterol. Durians are proven to improve migraines,anxiety,depressions and stress. It is also traditionally believed that pregnant mothers and people suffering from high blood pressure should not consume durians. Durians are not adviced to be taken with beer, coca-cola and peanuts.

POMELO- Pomelo belongs to the citrus family. The skin is pale green and turns yellow ehen ripen. The colour of the flesh varies from pink ,red , light yellow and white and is protected by a thick white spongy rind. Pomelo can be juiced, eaten by it self, made into jam and added in salads.The flesh comes in segments and the taste is from sour to sweet.

HEALTH BENEFITS OF POMELO- Pomelo is rich in Vitamin C and helps in weight loss. It is proven that pomelo improves fever, diabetes, sore throat stomach disorders and digestion

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


CUSTARD APPLE- Custard Apple is a delicious fruit with white sweet pulps that contain a black seed in each pulp . The skin is rough and comes in few colours like green, yellow,reddish-brown, and red. This fruit can only be eaten when it ripens. You have to cut the fruit into half and scoop the flesh with the spoon. Custard apples can be juiced or added in salads.
HEALTH BENEFITS OF CUSTARD APPLE- This fruit helps to cure indigestion due to the high volume of dietary fiber,vomiting, diarrhoea , ulcers and boils and is useful in treating anemia. This fruit is also loaded with Vitamin C ,A and B6.

APPLE GUAVA - Also known as water apple, this fruit is an excellent thirst quencher and comes in few colours like dull green.white,pink,deep red , bright red ,mixture of white and red. The flesh is juicy,crispy and spongy. The taste is from sour to sweet depending on the variety. You can juice this fruit, eat them by it self or add in salads.
HEALTH BENEFITS OF APPLE GUAVA- The skin of this juicy fruits are full of fruit sugars and vitamin A . This fruit's nutrients are proven to cure blisters in mouth or inner lips.

SOUR SOP- This is another fruit that can be found easily. Sour sop has a unique taste and makes delicious juice and deserts-fruitjuicemagic. This fruit is not only delicious but healthy too. The white pulpy flesh is juicy and fibrous. There are a tiny black seeds in each pulp.

HEALTH BENEFITS OF SOUR SOP- This fruit is proven to heal liver ailments and leprosy, destroys prostate, lung, breast,colon, and pancreatic cancers, fever, hypertension and asthma. It is believed that all parts of the sour sop tree can be used as natural medicinal .

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


PERSIMMONS - This brightly colored, glossy orange red skinned fruit is an excellent source of vitamin A, a good source of vitamin C, and rich in fiber. This fruit is best eaten when it is ripe. The unripe fruit is fruit astringent and bitter. You can make juice-FRUIT JUICE MAGIC , cakes, sauce, salads, pancakes,cookies, and sorbets with this unique fruit. Dried Persimmons are also available.
HEALTH BENEFITS OF PERSIMMONS-Persimmons contain a significantly higher concentration of dietary fiber, minerals, anti-oxidants and trace elements to prevent clogging of arteries, heart diseases,stroke and cholesterol levels.
STRAWBERRIES- Strawberry is the most popular berry fruit in the world. It is also known as the love berry because of the heart shape. This berry is very juicy and has a excellent fragrance. Strawberry are used widely compared to other berries. Strawberry are used to make cakes,ice-cream,yogurt,jellies,sweets,cordials,fruit juices, salads, smoothies, sorbets, toppings and garnishing.
HEALTH BENEFITS OF STRAWBERRY - Strawberries are loaded with ant-oxidants and vitamin C. Strawberries helps to prevent heart diseases, weight loss, high blood pressure and certain cancers.
WATERMELON- Watermelon is the best thirst quencher among all fruits. Watermelon can be juiced on its own or with different fruits-fruit juice magic.You can get watermelon easily and all year round. It can be eaten by itself , juiced or included in salads. There are candies and sweets with watermelon flavour. They come in two colours red and yellow.
HEALTH BENEFITS OF WATERMELON- Like all melons, watermelons are no 1 when it comes to nutrition . This juicy melons are rich in potassium,vitamin C and beta-carotene. The nutrients in this melons help to fight heart diseases, kidney stones and cancers like breast, prostate,lung and colon.

Friday, April 3, 2009


POMEGRANATE- This fruit look more like an apple from a distance. The skin is slightly hard and hundreds of gem stone like ruby coloured seeds. There is a small seed inside the ruby seeds which are totally safe to be consumed. This seeds colour varies from white, pink to deep red. The taste is sweet and sour. Pomegranate are juiced, eaten raw, added in salads ,sauce preparation and garnishing. Pomegranate juice are easily found is supermarkets.
HEALTH BENEFITS OF POMEGRANATE- Ppomegranate juice is rich in Vitamin B and C that help to reduce the chances of heart attack and stroke. It is proven and still being proven that pomegranate is loaded with antioxidants .It is good and wise to include a glass of pomegranate juice in your daily diet. The nutrients in this fruit prevents blood thickening, cancer cell formation, high cholesterol levels
ROSELLE- Roselle juice is an all time refresher. It contain vitamins A,C, D, B1, B2 and B Complex. Roselle is normally juiced, made into lovely jam ,jelly,ice-cream pudding and dried to make tea leaves. Roselle tea helps generously in weight loss.

HEALTH BENEFITS OF ROSELLE- This fruit has so many health benefits but it is impossible for me to add the whole list. Roselle helps prevent high blood pressure,stroke, blood clotting in the brain,migraine,cancer,tumor ,skin and kidney infections. Roselle juice are also sold as cordials.
RASPBERRIES-are not only sweet and delicious but very nutritious. Raspberries are juiced, made into jam, jellies, cakes, pudding, pies and desert toppings.
HEALTH BENEFITS OF RASPBERRY- Like all berries, raspberries is rich Vitamin C.Medical research shows that consuming raspberry daily will help fight against diabetes, cancer, heart diseases, eye infections and aging.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


PEACH- Peach is a very juicy fruit and is rich in vitamins and nutrients. This fruit has a reddish velvet type skin, a delicate aroma and the flesh varies from yellow to whitish flesh. You can also get canned peaches easily. Peaches are normally juiced, used to make cakes, ice-cream, yogurt, jellies,tea and sorbets.
HEALTH BENEFITS OF PEACHES - Peaches have good sources of carotene, potassium, dietary fiber and natural sugars. Peach helps to improve bowel movements, rheumatism and gout, dry cough, constipation and asthma. Peaches are also helpful when it comes to weight loss.

PEAR - Pears have white juicy flesh with a grainy texture. Pears are where much like apples with core and seeds. The skin of pears comes in few colours like green, yellow,red ,cream and brown. Pears are juiced, baked into delicious cakes, muffin, poached, made as toppings, deserts, ice-cream, sorbets,smoothies and also canned.
HEALTH BENEFITS OF PEARS-Pears is a very good source of fiber and are also a good source of vitamin B2, C, E and help lower blood pressure and also reduce the chances of a stroke.
It is proven that eating pears help protect women against postmenopausal breast cancer, prevent constipation and strengthens our immune system. Pear Juice-FRUIT JUICE MAGIC is a perfect remedy for fever and bowel movements.

PINEAPPLE - Pineapple is another favourite fruit of mine. Sweet juicy pineapples are great during hot weather. Skin ,clean and cut the pineapple into pieces. Place in the refrigerator to cool. Prepare a simple dip using thick soya sauce, sugar, spicy birds eye chilies and try dipping the chilled pineapples in this sauce. Spicy and heavenly. Canned pineapples rings and cubes make great desert as well.

HEALTH BENEFITS OF PINEAPPLE - Pineapple is rich bromelain which helps in weight reduction and prevents cough and cold. Other nutrients in pineapple includes calcium, potassium , fiber and vitamin C which are good for your oral health as well. This fruit can be considered as the"Healing Fruit" .

For over hundred delicious and healthy fruit juice recipes visit-


MULBERRY-This berry is fully loaded with health benefits. Mulberry come in few colours like white, red, black and pink. Mulberry juice is a good source of vitamins and nutrients. This berry are used to make juice, sauce, tarts, cakes ,pies and muffins.
HEALTH BENEFITS OF MULBERRY - Mulberry is proven to lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of blood clots, improve eyesight and stroke. This berry helps to prevent cancer,aging, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. The health benefits are on the rise and are proven scientifically. ORANGE- This fruit belongs o the citrus family like the lemon, lime grapefruit and tangerines.Oranges are green before they ripen. Fruit Juice Magic-Orange juice is a very good source of Vitamin C.This juice is best taken along with our breakfast as it gives you sufficient energy for the day. There a few varities of oranges like the navel orange,valencia orange, Blood orange,persian orange, mandrin orange and small oranges.

HEALTH BENEFITS OF ORANGES- The main advantage of eating the orange or drinking fresh orange juice is the Vitamin C content. This is an essintial vitamin that a human body require. Betacarotene in orange protects our cells from damaging. Folic Acid in the juice is perfect for pregnant mothers. This fruit is proven to prevent and improve asthma, kidney stone,Tuberculosis, Arthritis and help lower cholesterol.

PAPAYA- Papaya is an excellent fruit to be taken as a desert. Papaya can be juiced, made into salads, pickled, mixed into jelly and even cooked. Papaya are also canned in fruit cocktails. The Solo papaya is the smaller variety but is sweeter than the normal variety.
HEALTH BENEFITS OF PAPAYA-Papaya is good for digestive disorders.It helps to improve and prevent cancer, hypertension, strokes, cataract,cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and bowel movements.
For hundred different fruit juice recipes, visit