Tuesday, March 31, 2009


LYCHEES - This juicy fruit is seasonal and the taste varies according to the price. Lychee is a small rounded fruit with sweet white scented flesh, a large central stone, and a thin rough skin.If you pay a few dollars extra to get the better variety, you will be able to enjoy the great taste of this fruit. Lychees make excellent cordials, juice.jelly,ice-cream, and can be eaten by itself. Canned lychees to make perfect deserts. .When you buy a bunch of lychees, peel the skin, put the fruits in a bowl and leave it to chill in the refrigerator. Remove and eat when chilled. YUMMY!
HEALTH BENEFITS OF LYCHEES -This fruit is a rich source of vitamin C, Calcium and potassium. Lychees are proven to improve cough, digestion and ulcers.

LONGAN- After few research on this fruit I finally found out the meaning of the word longan. Logan means "Dragon's eye". This fruit has a thin yellowish brown rough skin. The fruit inside is a translucent ,round surrounding a single black seed. This fruit is one of my favorite fruit. It is best eaten chilled. Longans are sold in cans but the fresh longans are great. Dried longan makes excellent snacks.
HEALTH BENEFITS OF LONGANS - Longans are rich in Vitamin A and C. Dried longan are also believed to be loaded with medicnal values. You can make various types od health srinks using the longan and dried red dates. Visit is proven that dried longans helps improve stomach ache, insomnia and as an antidote for poison.
MANGOSTEEN- This fruit is widely available in this beautiful country that I live in -MALAYSIA. The fruits are delicious and sold fresh . The price of this fruit is also very reasonable. Mangosteen juice is also sold widely in supermarkets. This fruit has deep purple skin and white flesh that are in segments. If you count the flower like petals under the fruit you will be able to determine the number of flesh segments in the fruit.
HEALTH BENEFITS OF MANGOSTEEN- Reaserch shows that mangosteen has tons of health benefits. I will only name a few here. It helps to prevent aging, cancer , hypertension, glaucoma,obesity,arthritis and cataracts.
For over hundred delicious fruit juice recipes visit -

Sunday, March 29, 2009


LIME is green in colour and smaller than lemon and the rind of the lime is thinner than the lemon. Lime is normally used to make juice, garnishing, salad dressings,punch,cordials, pickles,snacks,jam,marmalade,essence, fresheners,cosmetics ,soaps,detergent and perfumes.

LEMON AND LIME HEALTH BENEFITS-LIME AND LEMON juice has the most refreshing taste and smell. This juices can be taken any time of the day. Lime or lemons juice contains high quantity of citric acid and Vitamin C.Just add a slice of lemon or lime in you normal drinking water and you will be able to feel the freshness. Lime juice,water and sugar is an excellent remedy for fever.

MANGO- Mangoes are very tasty fruit with sweet and sour taste. Mangoes have a very beautiful smell especially when it ripens. This fruit consumed in so many ways. You can juice the mango,eat the flesh by itself, make salads, jam,chutney, deserts,ice-cream, jelly and toppings . Dried and canned mangoes are sold widely in supermarkets.

MANGO HEALTH BENEFITS- Mangoes are loaded with vitamin C and A which help to prevent free radicals. Nutrients and Vitamins in mangoes help to prevent the three main deadly diseases - the heart disease,cancer and diabetes. Other illness includes liver disorders, indigestion,pile, and menstrual disorders.

HONEYDEW AND CANTALOUPE MELON- This juicy and delicious fruit is fat and cholesterol free. The flesh comes in white,yellow and orange colour. This fruits are used for garnishing,salads,deserts and snacks. You can juice this melons and get a delicious glass of fresh fruit juice. Fruit Juice Magic will give you perfect tips on how to juice this fruits
HONEYDEW AND CANTALOUPE MELON HEALTH BENEFITS -This fruit helps generously in weight loss. Honeydew melon helps prevent cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, cataract and cancer. Water contents in these melon prevents dehydration.

Saturday, March 28, 2009


GUAVA-Guava is very tasty if it is cut, chilled on ice cubes and eaten with a sprinkled with dried sour plum powder.Guava flesh come in few colours from off-white to deep pink. The taste is sweet sour.Guavas can be juiced , included in salads and eaten just by itself.
Health Benefits of Guava- contains more vitamin C than any other citrus fruits.Nutrients in guava help to combat cancer, protecting prostrate, improve bowel movements , cataract and prevents heart disease. Overall guava is good to be included in your daily diet.

JACK FRUIT- Fruit Juice Magic -Jack fruits have prickly skins but sweet juice flesh inside.The jack fruit releases a unique fragrant smell when it ripens. Unripe jack fruit can be cooked to prepare various Delicious recipes. The seeds of this fruit can also be used for cooking . You can boil the seeds and eat it as a snack.Jack fruit chips are also available widely.

Health Benefits of Jack fruit- The flesh of this fruit is rich in fiber,con vitamin A and C .This juicy fruit is proven to help in constipation, have cancer-fighting properties, cure ulcers , indigestion,lower blood pressure, help improve asthma.

KIWI - Kiwi fruit comes in two varieties. The golden yellow flesh kiwi and the green flesh kiwi. It has a row of small black edible seeds in the centre of the fruit.The yellow kiwi is sweet unlike the green which is sour. This fruit with a unique taste is normally added to salads, juiced or eaten just like that.

Health Benefits of Kiwi- The fruit and the seed contains Vitamin C,E and also protein. This fruit is known to cure damaged DNA, improve wheezing and asthma, heart disease and cancer.

For over hundred delicious fruit juice recipes visit :

Thursday, March 26, 2009


DRAGON FRUIT- This unique looking fruit is normally round or oblong shaped. The skin is red in colour and has scales. The flesh of the round fruit is deep red and the oblong ones have white flesh. I understand that there is a yellow variety but have not come across one yet.There are millions of tiny black seeds in the flesh of this fruit. This fruit can be eaten by itself ,made into jam ,salads or juiced.

Health benefits of Dragon Fruit - This fruit is loaded with dietary fiber and vitamin C and helps control sugar levels for diabetes, bowel movements and gout.

GRAPEFRUIT - FRUIT JUICE MAGIC-Grapefruit belongs to the citrus family. It is more like an orange but the flesh is red in colour. The taste is sour but has an underlining sweetness. Grapefruit is normally juiced or eaten by itself. This fruit can be found all year round.
Grapefruit Health Benefits- This fruit is a rich source of vitamin C and help reduce the risk of prostate Cancer,stroke,heart diseases,asthma and mainly weight reduction.

GRAPES are favourite fruit of adult and children. Grape juice makes an excellent drinks for growing children. They come in so many colours and varieties and taste. Grapes are used to make excellent wine. I personally enjoy the seedless green grapes. Raisins are also used widely to make muffins, cakes,desert, ice-cream and to be eaten as a snack.

Health Benefits of Grapes-Grapes are rich sources of vitamins A, C, B6. GRAPES has nutrients that can help prevent kidney disorders,Alzheimer’s disease,Blood Cholesterol,Migraine,Asthma, heart diseases and many more illness.

For hundred over delicious fruit juice recipes visit-


CALAMANSI LIME-FRUIT JUICE MAGIC .The calamansi lime is high in vitamin C like all citrus fruits.It has the fragrance of a tangerine with a very thin green or orange coloured peel. It has a combination of sweet and sour taste. Calamansi limes make excellent refreshing lime juice, pickles, jam, candies. The extract from the lime skin can be used to make soaps,body oils,fresheners, perfumes and also tooth paste.

Health Benefits of Calamansi Lime - Calamansi Lime juice can help improve and prevent gum diseases,scurvy, cracked lips,urinary infections and indigestion. It is proven to help in weight loss .

CANTALOUPE MELON - This melon releases a sweet aroma when it is ripe. The flesh comes in few colours like deep orange, white , yellow and light green. This fruit is usually very sweet and juicy. It can be eaten by itself , juiced and included in salads. Very delicious and healthy fruit to be consumed daily.

Health Benefits of Cantaloupe Melon- This melon is a rich source of vitamin C and B6.Cantaloupe melon helps to improve Rheumatism , constipation , high blood pressure,obesity and cataract. The beta-carotene in this melon also prevents cancers,strokes and heart diseases.

CRANBERRIES- Cranberries are red in colour and has a sour taste. This berries are normally used to make juice ,muffins,sauce,salads and added into meat dishes.Dried cranberries can be eaten as snacks.
Health Benefits of CRANBERRIES -contains nutrients which can reduce the level of bad cholesterol and increase the level of good cholesterol. Cranberry juice is proven to be the best remedy for urinary tract infections. Cranberry juice can prevent plaque on your teeth and improves yeast infection and prevents cancer cells from multiplying.

For hundred different delicious juice recipes visit


APPLES - As the saying goes " An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor Away" , apples are simply delicious. One medium apples only contains only 80 calories. China produces the most apples. Washington,Carlifornia,New York, West Virginia,Michigan and Rhode Island are apple producing countries.
Health Benefits of Apples-Apples are proven to help bone protection, asthma, lower cholesterol,prevent lung ,breast, liver and colon cancer. Apples also help in weight and diabetic management.APRICOT - Apricots are yellowish orange colour.Dried apricots are richer in nutrients , fiber and good source of lycpoene than the fresh apricots. Apricots are loaded with beta-carotene, vitamin A and Vitamin C and iron. California cultivates large amount of apricots.
Health benefits of Apricots-Apricots helps to prevent cataracts, breast cancer, prostate cancer. The additional benefit of apricot is it has fiber contents which help to prevent constipation, induce diarrhea, weight loss,control blood sugar and maintains a normal digestion.

BANANA - This delicious fruit easily accessible and has protien, vitamins,minerals vitamin A ,B6 and iron that your body needs. Banana is also proven to help in weight loss. Banana are used to make great deserts, ice cream (banana split), cakes,puddings.muffins, pies and tasty crispy chips. There are types of bananas tht can be cooked as well.
Health Benefits of Banana- Banana is known as an energy booster due to its sugar content and also helps to imrove high blood preesure as it is loaded with potasium. Banana can be eaten to treat morning sickness, ulcers,constipation and prevents strokeby 40%.

BLUEBERRIES- This juicy berries have extraordinary health benefits that prevent serious diseases. Consuming 1 cup of bluberries a day will improve your health tremendously. Blueberries are loaded with highly active antioxidants.
Health Benefits of Blueberries- Blueberries are proven to reduce the risk of heart diseases,cancers. It also helps to improve urinary tract infections, reduce the formation of blood clots, lower cholesterol levels and encourages weight loss.

Visit for free delicious fruit juice recipes

Monday, March 23, 2009


JUICING FRUITS can give you 100% vitamins and nutrients from the choice of fruits you choose to juice. You will be able to experience the fruit juice magic. It will be a smart health investement if you decide to start including fruit juice in your daily diet plan.

Benefits of consuming fruit juice daily

1) attain 100% nutrients from the fruit.

2) Juicing will help more fruit intake compared to eating fruits by itself.

3) Nutrients gets absorbed faster.

4) Fruit Juice contains natural medicnal values that are proven to cure illnes like heart diseases,
diabetes, high blood pressure ans even cancers.

5) Getting children to eat fruits can be difficult and juicing helps instantly.
Fruits and its benefits-Fruit Juice magic

Apples - Digestive Stimulant, Rheumatism,Arthritis,Fingernails and hair care

Apricot - Hair Growth Skin Improvement

Banana- Improves digestive system and helps constipation

Blueberry- Loaded with antioxidants

Calamansi Lime- Promote hair growth and eliminate itching,removes freckles

Cantaloupe Melon- Digestive Aid, Cataract,Bladder,Kidney problems

Cranberry -Helps urinary tract infection (UTI), Piles, Skin Disorders,Weight loss

Dragon Fruit- Prevention Against Hypertension

Grapefruit- Vitamin A, fat & cholesterol free, weight loss, vericos veins.

Grapes -Help to fight breast,liver colon cancer, reduce heart disease.

Guava -Obesity, high blood pressure, congestion of lungs

Jackfruit- Overcome influence of alcohol

Kiwi -Prevents asthma,whizing,cough and helps to prevent colon cancer

Lemon -Vitamin C, prevents Scurvy,improves digestive ystem,Skin problem

Mango -Reduces the risk of kidney stone formation

Melon- Vitamin C &A, body cleanser

Mulberry -Protect against liver disease, heart and gall bladder diseases.

Orange- Soluble Vitamin C, anti-cancer and reduce cholesterol levels,gout

Papaya- Blood problems, Tumors,Acne , Ulcers

Peach- Loaded with Beta-carotene, biotin, folic acid, vitamin B3

Pear -Bladder problems,Prostate,Constiption

Pineapple- Prevents Heart Disease -inhibits blood from cloting,Gout

Pomegranate -Reduces blood pressure, Alzheimer's Disease,Fights Breast Cancer

Roselle -Improves Bladder problem and Kidney functions

Strawberry- Acne, Fluid Retention,Kidney functions

Watermelon -Digestive System, Constipation

Visit for hundred free delicious fruit juice recipes